Reviving the International Scientific Committee on Mural Painting – The Steering Committee

On February 9, 2022, a meeting was held by ICOMOS to revive and reorganize the ICOMOS International Scientific Committee on Mural Painting (ISCMP). The meeting invitation was sent to all existing Committee members and ICOMOS members who expressed an interest in joining this Committee. During this meeting, the ICOMOS Secretary General Mario Santana and President Mikel Landa requested volunteers, to support Clemencia Vernaza on a Steering Committee that would revise the Committee By-Laws, increase Committee membership, and hold elections for the Committee Bureau. The volunteers for the Steering Committee are:

  • Clemencia Vernaza, Colombia (mural painting conservator)
  • Sreekumar Menon, India (mural painting conservator)
  • Tracy Manning, UK (mural painting conservator)
  • Chiara Pasian, Malta (mural painting conservator)
  • Simona Sajeva, Italy (Conservation engineer)
  • Jean-Marc Vallet, France (conservation scientist)
  • Wendy Rose, USA (mural painting conservator)
  • José Artur Pestana, Portugal (mural painting conservator)

The Steering Committee has met regularly since March 4, 2022 to revise the By-Laws by group consensus and will prepare the new Bureau election. Meetings were recorded with minutes. The Steering Committee will be dissolved when the new Bureau is in place.

Archangel Gabriel (end of XVth century, attributed to G. Baleison, 1463-1500), Notre-Dame-de-Bon-Cœur’s chapel, Lucéram (France) (c)Jean-Marc Vallet