Bureau Election Results

Congratulations to the newly elected Bureau of the ICOMOS International Scientific Committee on Mural Paintings!

The vote took place online by email from January 16-22, 2023 and 12 votes by Voting Members were cast.

The results are as follows: 

President: Simona Sajeva (Italy, Conservation Engineer)

Vice President: Jose Pestana (Portugal, Mural Painting Conservator)

Secretary: Chiara Pasian (Malta, Mural Painting Conservator and Lecturer)

Treasurer: Jean-Marc Vallet (France, Conservation Scientist)

Emerging Professional: Wendy Rose (USA, Mural Painting Conservator)

Thank you to all who participated in the election process. You will hear from the new ISCMP Bureau in the coming months!

Archangel Gabriel (end of XVth century, attributed to G. Baleison, 1463-1500), Notre-Dame-de-Bon-Cœur’s chapel, Lucéram (France) (c)Jean-Marc Vallet